Saturday, December 13, 2008

Karen Faith Vinyasa 2-3 at Yoga Now Hits New Highs

In these days when things swing from high to low (the stock market) and from low to high (the unemployment rate), it is a rare pleasure to find someone or something that consistently swings higher and higher. This is the case with the Saturday afternoon Vinyasa 2-3 class taught by Karen Faith at Yoga Now Gold Coast in Chicago (the premier yoga shala in the Midwest). First, a shout out on the ab fab music in that class. Some things are very clear about that music:
1-she goes to a lot of trouble to create that sound track for class
2-it is a mystery how she uncovers unknown country music from the early part of the 20th century as well as music from Romania and how she makes it work together so well
3-the soundtracks are good--the savasana is great--Karen plays the crystal bowls (and the banjo, so I've heard....) and the reverberations bounce from bowls to walls to heart to floor to ceiling to head (inside mainly, no bruises) and back to heart.
So, the Angel of Yoga awards 10 stars to Karen Faith for a wonderful way to spend Saturday afternoon in Chicago's Gold Coast. The awarding of stars is a system that is determined by the Angel of Yoga and, as an fyi, you cannot do better than a tenner. You can learn more about Karen Faith at

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